About us

As the number would suggest 1st. Kirkintilloch BB is the oldest company in Kirkintilloch and is part of the Strathkelvin Battalion.  The company began on 22nd January 1892 as part of the Free St. Andrew’s Church.  Between 1894 and 1927 the company has a turbulent history with more than one period of inactivity over the years.  On the 3rd. November 1927 it was reformed this time as part of St. David’s Ledgate Church.
Following the union of St. David’s Ledgate and St. Andrew’s 1969 saw the creation of the new Church of St. Columba’s which then became and still is home to the 1st. Kirkintilloch Company.

At 1st. Kirkintilloch we aim to continue the work of the BB by offering all an interesting, varied and challenging programme of activities.

At 1st Kirkintilloch we operate at all sections of the Brigade;

Anchors; Juniors; Company & Senior

Membership of each section is available in the age ranges as follows:

Anchors:  Age P1 – P3

Juniors: P4 – P6

Company: P7 – S2 (14/15 years of age)

Seniors: S3 – S6 (17/18 years of age)

As mentioned we are part of St. Columba’s Hillhead Parish Church which is part of the Church of Scotland.  The Church runs a Sunday Club for primary school age children and a Bible Class for older young people.  Both meet on a Sunday morning to which all boys would be made welcome.

Service times are 10:00 at St. Columba’s and at 11:30 at Hillhead.  St.Columba’s service will be live streamed on YouTube from 10:00.

Further information at www.kirkintillochstcolumbas.org.uk